Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Princess Avery Cait turns 10!

If ever there were a real-life princess, her name would be Avery Cait. Not because of the kingdom of riches and worldly treasures a princess accumulates; no, a real princess is royal at heart. She loves unconditionally, speaks gently, serves others, strives to be the best she can be, shines her bright light of love on others and is always an example of true charity and love. And I, well, yes, I am blessed to be the aunt of such a royal beauty. Avery Cait, may you always, always, be true to yourself and know that you are truly a princess. I love and adore you so much more than you will ever know and it is my joy in life to be your aunt. Happy 10th Birthday! Love you to pieces!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Carson Guy Turns Five!

Carson Guy: today is your fifth birthday! I can't believe how fast time goes by...it seems like just yesterday you were a baby and now you're growing up to be an amazingly sweet and kind young lad. Your aunt is so very proud of you and loves you so much more than you will ever know. You will grow up to be the best fighter jet pilot this world has ever seen and nobody will be more proud of you than your aunt! Hugs and kisses to you my little man and I'll see you soon ... Love, Aunt Ri