Going through some old archived photos and I came across this one (far left) of Carson and me when he was just a few months old. Holding him was, and remains, one of my favorite things. Carson, you are an incredibly sweet, kind, funny and smart young man. Every time I have to say goodbye to you after a visit, my heart breaks. Your tears bring me to tears. But you need to know that your aunt has you in her heart all the time. You are with me always. And today, on your sixth birthday, I wish you all the joy in the world. I can't wait to see you again next week! I will give you hugs and kisses and cuddles ... I love you, Carson!
In my freshman year at Helix High, I was blessed to meet a woman who has changed my life. Denise Hume was my PE teacher that year and for the next three years, I was lucky enough to remain under her advisement. Twenty years after my high-school graduation, Mrs. H remains one of the very few heroes I have in life. She's a hero to me because she cares ... she's always been there when I need advice, whether it's about family, job or whether or not to take chemotherapy ... she dedicates herself to serving others and being an example of kindness, humor and love ... and she was the one who gave me my nickname twenty-four years ago, Crazy Legs (don't ask!).
"There are those whose lives affect all others around them. Quietly touching one heart, who in turns, touches another. Reaching out to ends further than they would ever know." (William Bradfield). I am the woman I am today partly because of her influence in my life. Today, as she celebrates her birthday, I hope she knows how very much I love and admire her and appreciate all she has been in my life. Happy Birthday, Mrs. H. Love you more. - Legs