Happy Birthday, Marshall! Yes, my little sister's oldest son turns four years old today. Wow, do I feel old!
It seems like just yesterday I got the call that he had been born, a healthy but tiny little 6lb guy. How great a blessing he has been in my life. I love that boy (no more or less than any of the other kids) but my heart is full of joy today knowing that Marshall is happy, healthy and MY nephew.
Love you to pieces, little man!
Friday night I have a date! And I quote him here, "I will put you in my wagon and take you on a date for ice cream. I am strong, I will pull you."
Can't wait Marshall!
So my big sister, Caren, is reading to me from her journal about some of the funny things the kids have said lately. This one is classic.
Avery (7) saying to her mom regarding big brothers Andrew (12) and Mitchell (10): "Put them on a plane to Cheri. She likes them. She'll take them."
Sometimes you just need a good laugh. A reminder of what's important, a reality check, if you will. When I start to get sad or feel unimportant, I look at this picture of Carson snuggling with me. It's as simple as that. It really is...
Yes, I have a tattoo. (Seven actually, for those who are keeping count.) My first and favorite, is the one I have on my left arm that reads CCCABAMM Legacy of Love. A lady sitting next to me on a recent flight asked me if still loved this guy (referring to my tattoo). While I thought to myself, who the hell would name their kid CCCABAMM, I explained to her that it referred to all my nieces and nephews. She thought that was sweet. And so did my mom, after the inital 24 hours of denial that her daughter actually got a tattoo.
My other tats include:
• A Scottish flag and thistle (honoring my Mother and her heritage) on my shoulder;
• A custom designed 7-7 box with Love Never Fails (honoring the 10 year anniversary of when my Grandma died);
• An ankle bracelet that says Charity of Heart on one side and Grace in All Things on the other;
• A horseshoe and dove on my lower back (Marshall's name means "keeper of the horses" and Callum's name means "dove");
• A Celtic sisterhood knot and the words "near or apart, always in the heart" on my wrist honoring my two sisters who I love more than words could really say;
• And most recently a tiny, thin bracelet with the words "etre ici" (French for "be here") on my wrist...that one is a reminder to me, that even during incredible stress, focus on the moment and cherish the time you are given.
While I know the kids will never, ever get tattoos, I kindly remind them that I was 30 years old before I got my first tattoo. And, if they even consider getting one before then, they'll be in serious trouble! :)
A scratch piece of paper and too much time on my hands one day a few years back led me to CCCABAMM...my shortcut to all the kids' names: Charlie, Carson, Callum, Andrew, Bronwyn, Avery, Mitchell, Marshall. (Granted, at the time Charlie wasn't even a thought. But when Cheryl told me she was pregnant, I quickly reminded her that boy or girl, the name had to start with a C or M. Nice of me, huh? Like it was my kid or something. Well, she and Kyle obliged and sweet Charlie joined the family.)
My little sister beat me to the punch...her blog is up and running...pictures and all. Guess it was time for me to get with the times.
Those who know me understand one simple thing about me. I am an aunt. That is my joy in life and after you meet CCCABAMM, you'll understand why.
Warning: I am "that" person...the one who gushes over the kids, talks too much about them, and can't get enough of them. I will, however, add some other stuff to the blog as time goes on, but don't say you haven't been warned. It'll mostly be about the kids.