My sweet nephew, Carson, turns four years old today! We celebrated his birthday last weekend while I was in Utah visiting them, so he thinks he already had his birthday. This young boy has his aunt wrapped around his little finger, let me just tell you! He loves to cuddle and watch movies with me. He loves for me to tuck him in at night and sing him his usual four songs. When he talks to me on the phone and says, "I, I, I will pick you up at, at, at the airport", well, I'm inclined to catch the first flight out to see him. He is sweet, loving, hilarious, adorable, and is the love of my life. Happy Birthday, Car-Car. Aunt Ree loves you so much more than you will ever know.

With chemo treatment behind me and my immune system hopefully improved, I traveled to Utah to visit three of my nephews for the first time since Thanksgiving. Now, it might not seem like that's a long time ago, but for this aunt, who usually travels to see them about every six weeks, well, it's been WAY too long! How I have missed them! They didn't seem to mind my bald head, though it took them a few seconds to truly see that I was the same aunt. My happy place is when I have the kids around you can see from the photos. They LOVED the Mac's Photo Booth, where we could take lots of silly pictures of ourselves. I tucked Carson into bed and had to sing him songs (certain songs that included: the Smurfberry crunch song as I call it or the Toy Prince song as he calls it, though it's actually a classic piece; Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is coming to town, some church songs, and Edelweiss). I kid you not. Those are his usual nightly songs. So I sang them as best I could, with all the love in my heart for him. But frankly, I can't stand the sound of my own singing voice!