My sweet nephew, Marshall Cyrus, starts Kindergarden today! I can't believe how quickly he has grown up! He is so loving and sweet, yet has a mind of his own and knows what he wants. He is such a good big brother to Carson and Charlie.
Marshby, aunt Ree loves you so much. I miss you every day I'm not with you. But, I keep you close in my heart. I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you grow into the man I know you will become. Love you to pieces!

Seven years ago today, I was blessed with the incredible gift of watching my nephew, Callum James, be born into the world. He is the only one of my nieces/nephews that I got to see be born. What an amazing experience for me! I loved him the moment I saw his sweet face. I almost wanted to deck the nurse when she gave him his first shots!
Callum, you may never know just how much I love you. I love spending time with you, cuddling with you, watching you grow and learn. You have a spirit like no other and your smile is contagious! You are an amazing big brother to Bronwyn and she will always be blessed to be your little sister. I will always be blessed to be your aunt. Happy Birthday, my sweet Cal-Bel. I love you to pieces!

Mitchell: this is a short note from your aunt to wish you a very happy 12th birthday! 1998 was a challenging year for me, but I am reminded each time I see your sweet face, that that year was truly a blessing for me. You came into my life then. I became your aunt. And I am SO proud to be your aunt!
You are such a special young man. You have a heart of gold, talent beyond measure, and the possibilities before you are endless! You have such wisdom for your young age and I know before long the world will be calling you Rich Mitch! Your middle name came from my grandpa Greaves, Cyrus, and I truly believe you have his spirit. He was so wise, talented, quietly strong and never needed the approval of anyone but himself. You are so much like him! I love you so much, Mitchell. I hope you always know that and never doubt it. I look forward, my sweet nephew, to the day I get to live in your mansion. Happy Birthday, Mitchell!
I'm in Utah for ten days, hanging with my two sisters, all 8 nieces and nephews and loving every minute of it. This photo was taken of Carson and me as we watched brother Marshall and his dad, Kyle, out in the row boat. I love moments like this. I'm reminded that taking a moment of quiet, just a simple hug, or a word of praise can make the difference between chaos and peace. I choose peace. Carson knows I love him. He won't remember this day or this photo moment, but his aunt will. Always and forever.

Who knew one day would forever change my life. That day was August 1, 14 years ago when my first nephew, Andrew Alan, was born. I may never have borne my own children, but my heart filled with a love I have to believe is as close to that of a mother as can be. I held him for the first time when he was one day old and I told him as we quietly stood in the bedroom... "I'll always love and protect you, little man. I will always love you." Andrew will never remember that moment, but his aunt will. I remember every moment with him over the past 14 years. I have watched and loved him as he has grown, matured, and turned into the incredibly handsome, talented, smart, kind and amazing young man he is. No aunt could ever be more proud. The past year of battling breast cancer has caused me to miss some fun times with Andrew, most importantly his school trip back East. But Andrew understood that chemo treatments wouldn't allow me to go with him. He called me every day, sent me pictures and said he wished I could have been there with him. We're planning to go when he's a senior (if he still wants his aunt to hang with him when he's that old) and until then, I will cherish each and every other moment with this sweet young man who's had this aunt wrapped around his little finger since day one. Happy Birthday, Andrew. The world is yours and I'll be with you all the years to come!