Sweet Marshall Cyrus turns 6 years old today. Happy Birthday, buddy!
Marshall, I've watched you grow and learn and become such a sweet, strong and wonderful little boy. I love being your aunt and love spending time with you. You make me smile with your sense of humor and observations about the world (like the waps aka wasps). I know this past year I missed a lot of time with you, but it was only because I needed to get healthy enough so I could be with you for many years to come. I love you so much more than you will ever know and I can't wait to watch you grow into the amazing man I know you'll become! Happy Birthday!
I turned 36 years old this morning. And while I don't like the attention my birthday brings, this year, I am happy to celebrate. Happy to celebrate being alive and having beat cancer...being alive to see the loves of my life (my 8 nieces and nephews) grow each day...being with my friends and their kids who love me...being a part of the lives of my friends and knowing that I can make a difference in their lives...being able to enjoy the simple joys in life that so many of us often take for granted (food, shelter, warmth, security)...being able to feel the love of my sisters and my mom each day as I hear their voices on the phone...being able to walk in the survivor lap of the Relay for Life next to a great friend and co-survivor...being able to celebrate another birthday. Truly, so many reasons to celebrate. Every day is someone's birthday...celebrate 'em all!