My annual Happy Holidays card and letter will hit the mail tomorrow. I mention in it to visit this blog for a recap of some of my special memories of 2013. If you are just browsing through and came across this blog, well, happy holidays to you, new friend! If you are looking for the next entry in the breast cancer journey, hang tight ... I'll get back 'round to finishing it off. (Hint: so far it has a happy ending.)
Mr. Carson said, "The business of life is the acquisition of memories." So very well said, sir. (Okay, so Mr. Carson is a fictional man who only lives in the imaginative world of the talented Julian Fellowes and Downton Abbey, but that's no reason I can't admire his words of great truth.)
I have endured some challenging moments in 2013, but I choose not to dwell on those moments or experiences. Rather, I elect to focus and cherish the positive, inspirational and loving memories deposited into my memory bank. Here are but a few ...
February 1, 2013 found me in San Diego for the Gina Marie Dayton Guardian Angel Foundation Fun Run in honor and celebration of my dear, late friend Gina. It was bittersweet ... many of Gina's family and friends were there and we cherished the experience of honoring her. I'm so proud of her legacy ... and proud to now serve on the Board of Directors of the Gina Marie Dayton Guardian Angel Foundation. |
Had the incredible experience of taking my niece, Avery, to Scotland! Mom, Avery and I spent 10 days visiting with our family, touring the sights and savoring every moment we were surrounded by the Scottish culture. To see Avery meet family members she never knew existed and to watch her slide down the same slide I did at Duthie Park with Grandpa Andrew some twenty-five years ago touched my heart. Sweet memories of the generations coming together through one-another. |
Truthfully, I have six siblings and I'm the second to the youngest. Yes, I grew up only with my two sisters (Caren and Cheryl) but we always longed to know and meet our four other half-siblings. In June, one of my lifelong dreams came true - I met and was able to hug my eldest sister, Cindy. My brother (Curt) and sister (Kristie) were there, too. Someday I know my special angel in heaven, (Grandma Greaves) is working hard to reunite all seven of us siblings ... for that was her dream. |
Annual tradition - Apple Hill with my high-school friend, Ann-Christel & her kids. Couldn't ask for a more loyal and cherished friend of over 20 years. Love being able to share this tradition with them! |
Todd and Caren gave the kids a choice a few years back: Disneyland or Hawaii. They all chose Hawaii. And Aunt Cherí got to go with them! We spent nine days on the island of Oahu, staying on the North East shore at a rented house. We went snorkeling (my first time ever!), played in the waves, toured Pearl Harbor and just cherished the incredible memories being made. I couldn't have asked for a better gift than the quality time in paradise with my sister and her family.
Second year tradition - Oakland A's Breast Cancer Awareness Day - Honoring Survivors - Cherished experience with friends and warrior-sisters Jill, Tammie, and Tina. Truly humbling to be on the field forming a ribbon of pink with all these incredible survivors! |
Random memories ... Bronwyn's baptism day, summer cabin fun (thanks Marion & Jim Bench!), events with warrior-sisters and just good old quality time spent with the kids. |
There's more to the definition of family than simple biology. I wanted to make sure to include the Freeland Family, for many of my greatest memories of the year have been with them. Julia has been "my person", my best friend for almost ten years and her family (husband Jeff and children, Joey, Logan and Emmie) have become an essential part of my everyday life in Sacramento. Thanks for all you do for me, Freelands, and for sharing so many memories with me throughout the years. Here's to an exciting 2014 and the addition of Miles! |
As long as I have the love and support of these women, I'm the richest woman alive. Thank you for all you do for me every day, even from miles away. You are my universe and I love you. |
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