To quote a very wise seven year old young man, "What's better than this? Apple Hill, it's on a hill, there are apples, apple cider, apple donuts, you can pick apples, there are pumpkins, hot dogs from the barbecue, a go cart, a hay maze, pony rides..." His simple answer to his own question, "Nothing!" Throw in a wonderful family, good friends, a beautiful fall day, and well, you are correct, Conor. Not much beats it!
Sunday, I went to Apple Hill with one of best friends, Julia, and her family (husband Jeff and their four boys - Tommy, Conor, Joey, Logan). We had a great time! We visited a couple of the big farms where the crowds out in full force. We waited 40 minutes for apple donuts (but they were pretty darn good, I must admit.) We then found a new farm, Pine-o-Mine. This is the first year it was open but let me just throw out some advertising for them. The kids got to pick apples from the trees, ride on a go-cart, the barbecue was top quality, the people were over-the-top, yet genuinely, very kind and helpful. It was a great place to soak in apple hill without the annoying crowds. (I, of course, was in heaven simply because I could snap all the photos I wanted!)
There is something joyous about fall and Apple Hill. Maybe it's the reminder that it really is the simple things in life that are the best...a throw-back to a simpler time...a hint in the brisk breeze that the holidays are quickly approaching...the excitement of it all. To me, spending a day in the mountains with people I consider family, watching the boys experience it all, well, I'm just reminded to count my blessings.