Ever think about what makes someone a hero? I think we all might set different criteria for a true hero, but I think the basics are universal: honesty, dedication, sincerity, selflessness, charity of heart and service to others. A good friend (actually, more like an extended family member) is currently in Florida for 18 months. She's serving a mission for the LDS church. Whitney has been a blessing in my life and that of my family's. She helped my sister so much when they lived in Arizona. She loved Marshall, Carson and Charlie I think as much as I do. She was Marshall's first "girlfriend", in all the most innocent of ways. She, and her family, were always serving others and continue to do so. They are role models of service and charity. Today, I just wanted to say thank you to Whitney and her incredible family. They are, to me anyhow, true heroes. (Marshall would agree...Guy has always been his hero!)
1 comment:
what would life be without the soper family?.....lets never find out. we love you so much soper family. you have made our lives so much more worth while. thanks for all you have done...couldn't have done it without you all. love, belnaps
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