Monday, October 6, 2008

Friends are the Family...

Ever hear the saying, "Friends are the family you choose for yourself"? Well, it is totally true. While I've been blessed with the best family ever, I have been additionally blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends who have become my extended family. Therefore, I have several "honorary" nieces and nephews whom I love dearly.
(This cute little boy here, Joey, is the son of one of my best friends, Julia. He calls me "my Cheri". I love that boy ... and his brothers, Logan, Conor & Tommy, too. Watch out Disneyland, here we come!)

1 comment:

Belnaps Blog said...

cheri, you're the best ever. everyone that knows you is lucky to have you in their life. always know that we are lucky to have you. love to you! heart, your little sis.