Six short years ago today, I stood in the delivery room in Billings, Montana and watched as my older sister, Caren, gave birth to sweet
Callum James. Nana and I both exclaimed upon seeing his face, "It's Mitchell!" (Mitchell is Callum's older brother, whom Callum, as an infant and toddler, looked just like.)
Cal-bell, as we call him, is the sweetest little man, full of character, charm and a bit of mischievousness about him. Callum is protective, loving, cuddly, and smart. He is all boy and will always find something to get into (usually bringing along his side-kick little sister). He has been attached to the hip to his little sister, Brownyn, since the day she was born. When Bronwyn was an infant, and Callum himself ony 18 months old, he would climb into Bronwyn's crib and the two of them would sleep side by side every night. They still share a room, and most nights, the same bed. Callum is such a good big brother.
I'd be lost without my sweet six year old Cal-bell. My heart wouldn't be complete. This proud Aunt can't wait to see Callum continue to grow and shine. How I love that boy!

The year 1998 was not one of the brightest of my life. Divorce and the death of my beloved grandmother made that summer a test of my strength. Yet, that summer also brought me one of the greatest blessings in my life...my nephew Mitchell. He became the shining light for me that summer and has continued blessing my life with his sweet spirit. He loves to cuddle with his aunt and boy, does that make his aunt happy. Today, on your 11th birthday, I thank YOU for being one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given. I love you sweet boy.
Peace means different things to different people. I love this picture of Carson because to me it shows him "at peace". He's usually running around non-stop (often right into walls), but for a few brief moments that afternoon, he just plopped himself on the grass and watched his brothers and cousins play in the pool. One can only imagine what was running through his little mind right then...
But like I said, peace is defined differently by everyone. To me, on this day in August, it means being at peace with my decision to undergo a double mastectomy (with reconstruction) to help rid my body of bilateral breast cancer. It's been a long journey thus far and though I have a long road ahead of me, I feel peace right now. I feel I've made the right decision, have incredible support and encouragement from my family and friends, and know that by making this difficult choice, I will increase my odds of being around a long, long time from now ... hopefully long enough to see Carson's kids someday resting peacefully on the grass one summer afternoon.
On the inside of my right wrist I have a tattoo of the Celtic sisterhood knot (a tribute to my Celtic heritage and my sisters). The words around the knot read "near or apart, always in the heart". Well, during the week the family was together a short while ago, my sweat-pea (aka Bronwyn, 4, pictured here with me) was quite intrigued by this tattoo. She asked me many times during each day what it said. I showed her each word and told her what it meant. When I hugged her goodbye I asked her "where will you be, sweat pea?". "In your heart," she answered. Forever and always, no matter what.

I must be getting old. My "first" nephew, Andrew, turns 13 today. A teenager! I remember just like yesterday the first time I saw him. He was barely 24 hours old and was the tiniest little baby I had ever seen. Scrawny, long legs and tiny fingers. And now, 13 years later, he is almost as tall as me and definitely stronger than me. But how I love this young man. I may not have given birth to him or be raising him, but he does have my heart wrapped around his little finger. Happy Birthday, Andrew. Your aunt is so proud of you and loves you to pieces!