Six short years ago today, I stood in the delivery room in Billings, Montana and watched as my older sister, Caren, gave birth to sweet

Cal-bell, as we call him, is the sweetest little man, full of character, charm and a bit of mischievousness about him. Callum is protective, loving, cuddly, and smart. He is all boy and will always find something to get into (usually bringing along his side-kick little sister). He has been attached to the hip to his little sister, Brownyn, since the day she was born. When Bronwyn was an infant, and Callum himself ony 18 months old, he would climb into Bronwyn's crib and the two of them would sleep side by side every night. They still share a room, and most nights, the same bed. Callum is such a good big brother.
I'd be lost without my sweet six year old Cal-bell. My heart wouldn't be complete. This proud Aunt can't wait to see Callum continue to grow and shine. How I love that boy!
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