Couple weeks ago, Cheryl, Kyle and the boys drove from Phoenix to San Diego, where they met me (having flown in for my 20 year high school reunion). We toured the USS Midway, ate breakfast at Kono's in Pacific Beach, spent many hours at the beaches of Coronado and La Jolla shores and just enjoyed being "back home".
The boys had never before seen the ocean. They didn't comprehend what was truly a "beach". But they do now! If they lived near the ocean, they'd all be complete beach bums, no doubt! Water was freezing to us adults (as we were bundled up in towels with umbrellas shielding us from the wind), but the boys bravely embraced their newly discovered world of boogie boarding and playing in the waves. Marshall, Carson and Charlie couldn't get enough of the ocean ... hour after hour, they battled the waves and endured the cold, exiting the waves only to scarf down a snack. It was pure joy for this aunt to watch my boys enjoy something I enjoyed every weekend of my childhood.
We will be heading back to San Diego come Thanksgiving. One guess what the boys want to do. Yep, boogie board. I'm off to find them wet-suits!
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