Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Random Coincidence?

I hit the button at the top of the page on my blog that says "next blog". I didn't know really where it would take me, perhaps to my last post. However, it took me to the blog of some people I do not know. BUT, they live in Aberdeen, Scotland and their blog is all about their life in Aberdeen. So interesting! 

I got to thinking about Aberdeen and the recent annual trips I've taken to visit my mother's homeland. Thought I'd share a few photos from some of my trips. Granted, I know I've posted these before but when it comes to anything Scottish, well, never enough! I am of Scottish blood and will forever be proud of my heritage.

Dunnottar Castle

My beautiful mother inside the ruins of Dunnottar Castle

Mom and I pose for a photo in Cullen, Scotland

Closest to a man in a kilt I seem to be able to find!

Bay of Nig ... mom would walk around this bay with her sister all the time.

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