Sunday, November 4, 2012


Saturday in Land Park was the Walk for Down Syndrome. A friend of mine has a daughter, Emma, who was born with Down Syndrome. I hadn't met Emma until Saturday morning and I fell in love with her the moment I saw her adorable face. Because of Emma and others with DS, hundreds of people came together to walk in their support. BJs Restaurant sponsored Team Emma and it was a complete honor to be a part of this team. Sutter Printing helped get special t-shirts made for Team Emma and it was obvious we had the best t-shirts and the team with the most members! One little girl, sweet Emma, brought us out ... some might say we are kind to have walked in her honor. No, we were honored to walk with and for Emma. 

Our inspiration, Emma, gets a lift from Daddy!

Emma and mommy are all smiles!

Here she is ... the most beautiful little gal!

It was all about the tutus. :)

My buds, Tracy, Michelle and Jonathan

Team BJs Restaurant ... TEAM EMMA!

We Step Up for Down Syndrome!

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