I spent the Halloween weekend in Montana visiting my sister and the kids. We tried to get a decent photo of the five kids together, but as you can see from the photo, it's impossible to get five kids to all smile and look in the same direction at the same time. Oh well. One of my favorite things was capturing this moment with Avery and the pumpkin she had carved for me. I love her sweet expression here, not only on her face, but her expression of love for her aunt with the ribbon carved into the pumpkin.
I know life hands each of us challenges each day and sometimes it's easier to get absorbed in our own troubles and trials. But I have to wonder, no, I have to testify to you, that if we step outside our own trials even for just a moment, and focus our attention on showing love to someone else, we will be enormously blessed. Focus your heart on someone else...and watch how the love warms your heart.

Two months ago, my friend Ann-Christel and I finally found a weekend to put on the calendar as our Apple Hill weekend in Sacramento. She and the kids (Aubrey and Brayden) drove to Sac and we spent Friday afternoon at The Grace Foundation visiting the horses and animals. The kids had a great time! Went out to dinner, then baths and bedtime. First thing Brayden said in the morning was, "Where's Cheri?!"
Saturday morning we headed to Apple Hill and boy did we have fun. I loved seeing the expression on the kids' faces as they picked apples, checked out the pumpkins, rode the horse, tried to scare me in the hay maze, rolling down the grass hill, eating their candy apples, etc.
The time flew by much too quickly and my heart was a little sad as I said goodbye to my friends as they headed home. But as I look over the photos from our time together, I see that the kids were smiling and happy and having a terrific time. And while I may have failed in other areas of my life, I know this much. I've made a positive difference in the lives of some very special children and that is one of my happiest thoughts.

The last time I visited Portland, Oregon was in 1996 for my best friend's wedding. Well, it only took me 14 years, but I finally made it back to Portland for a visit.
Marnie and I met in 1994 while attending college in Utah. We became inseparable and did everything together for two years. I knew immediately I was blessed to have her in my life as she made me laugh and try new things (like an all day horse-back, cattle herding adventure in the middle of nowhere Idaho). See the picture of us above right taken in Fairview, Utah for just how young we looked! We spent a month together in San Diego before I got married and had a wonderful time. Marnie married Thane, a neighbor and friend from our college apartment complex and while I never thought anyone would be good enough for Marnie, Thane came pretty darn close. He and Marnie have a wonderful family of four young children, whom I already adore and claim as nieces and nephews.
So this weekend, on my first visit back to Portland since their wedding, I had an incredible time reconnecting with my friend. We watched movies, toured Portland, went for a trail hike, had pizza, watched football, visited with her horses, played with the kids, experienced VooDoo donuts (it's a Portland thing), made mint-chip ice cream (our fav). And while it had been 14 years since my last visit, being reconnected with my friend felt like not a minute had passed. Love you, Mo. (And Thane. And Ethan. And Emma. And Braxton. And Lydia. And Domino. And, well, maybe even the frog, too!)
Sweet Marshall Cyrus turns 6 years old today. Happy Birthday, buddy!
Marshall, I've watched you grow and learn and become such a sweet, strong and wonderful little boy. I love being your aunt and love spending time with you. You make me smile with your sense of humor and observations about the world (like the waps aka wasps). I know this past year I missed a lot of time with you, but it was only because I needed to get healthy enough so I could be with you for many years to come. I love you so much more than you will ever know and I can't wait to watch you grow into the amazing man I know you'll become! Happy Birthday!
I turned 36 years old this morning. And while I don't like the attention my birthday brings, this year, I am happy to celebrate. Happy to celebrate being alive and having beat cancer...being alive to see the loves of my life (my 8 nieces and nephews) grow each day...being with my friends and their kids who love me...being a part of the lives of my friends and knowing that I can make a difference in their lives...being able to enjoy the simple joys in life that so many of us often take for granted (food, shelter, warmth, security)...being able to feel the love of my sisters and my mom each day as I hear their voices on the phone...being able to walk in the survivor lap of the Relay for Life next to a great friend and co-survivor...being able to celebrate another birthday. Truly, so many reasons to celebrate. Every day is someone's birthday...celebrate 'em all!

My sweet nephew, Marshall Cyrus, starts Kindergarden today! I can't believe how quickly he has grown up! He is so loving and sweet, yet has a mind of his own and knows what he wants. He is such a good big brother to Carson and Charlie.
Marshby, aunt Ree loves you so much. I miss you every day I'm not with you. But, I keep you close in my heart. I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you grow into the man I know you will become. Love you to pieces!

Seven years ago today, I was blessed with the incredible gift of watching my nephew, Callum James, be born into the world. He is the only one of my nieces/nephews that I got to see be born. What an amazing experience for me! I loved him the moment I saw his sweet face. I almost wanted to deck the nurse when she gave him his first shots!
Callum, you may never know just how much I love you. I love spending time with you, cuddling with you, watching you grow and learn. You have a spirit like no other and your smile is contagious! You are an amazing big brother to Bronwyn and she will always be blessed to be your little sister. I will always be blessed to be your aunt. Happy Birthday, my sweet Cal-Bel. I love you to pieces!

Mitchell: this is a short note from your aunt to wish you a very happy 12th birthday! 1998 was a challenging year for me, but I am reminded each time I see your sweet face, that that year was truly a blessing for me. You came into my life then. I became your aunt. And I am SO proud to be your aunt!
You are such a special young man. You have a heart of gold, talent beyond measure, and the possibilities before you are endless! You have such wisdom for your young age and I know before long the world will be calling you Rich Mitch! Your middle name came from my grandpa Greaves, Cyrus, and I truly believe you have his spirit. He was so wise, talented, quietly strong and never needed the approval of anyone but himself. You are so much like him! I love you so much, Mitchell. I hope you always know that and never doubt it. I look forward, my sweet nephew, to the day I get to live in your mansion. Happy Birthday, Mitchell!
I'm in Utah for ten days, hanging with my two sisters, all 8 nieces and nephews and loving every minute of it. This photo was taken of Carson and me as we watched brother Marshall and his dad, Kyle, out in the row boat. I love moments like this. I'm reminded that taking a moment of quiet, just a simple hug, or a word of praise can make the difference between chaos and peace. I choose peace. Carson knows I love him. He won't remember this day or this photo moment, but his aunt will. Always and forever.

Who knew one day would forever change my life. That day was August 1, 14 years ago when my first nephew, Andrew Alan, was born. I may never have borne my own children, but my heart filled with a love I have to believe is as close to that of a mother as can be. I held him for the first time when he was one day old and I told him as we quietly stood in the bedroom... "I'll always love and protect you, little man. I will always love you." Andrew will never remember that moment, but his aunt will. I remember every moment with him over the past 14 years. I have watched and loved him as he has grown, matured, and turned into the incredibly handsome, talented, smart, kind and amazing young man he is. No aunt could ever be more proud. The past year of battling breast cancer has caused me to miss some fun times with Andrew, most importantly his school trip back East. But Andrew understood that chemo treatments wouldn't allow me to go with him. He called me every day, sent me pictures and said he wished I could have been there with him. We're planning to go when he's a senior (if he still wants his aunt to hang with him when he's that old) and until then, I will cherish each and every other moment with this sweet young man who's had this aunt wrapped around his little finger since day one. Happy Birthday, Andrew. The world is yours and I'll be with you all the years to come!
It's funny how a social-media tool like Facebook can totally change - or in my case, save - your life. Last fall, after being diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer and not getting the best treatment locally, an old friend of mine reached out to help. We knew each other back in junior high and high school, but lost touch afterward that. Then, we reconnected via Facebook. Without her help, love and friendship, my path to recovery might have been so much worse.
Not only was I blessed to reconnect with this amazing woman, but I have been blessed by now being a part of her life and the lives of her two incredibly sweet and special children, Aubrey and Brayden. They first met me when I had all my hair, but even during the visits with them when I showed up bald, they loved me. They weren't afraid, just more curious. (Sweet Aubrey was incredibly curious about my surgery scars mostly). As you can see from this photo their mom took while I cuddled with the kids, I am thoroughly content having them in my arms and nearby. I love visiting them and am grateful to forever be a part of their lives. How truly blessed I am for Ann-Christel's generosity, compassion and friendship.
So while I hate photos of myself, I feel inclined to post this one. In June, I spent a week in Utah with both my sisters and five of my eight nieces and nephews. What a joyous week it was for me ... I was surrounded by the loves of my life. Granted, having that many people (kids) in one house and having just finished my chemotherapy a few months before and surgery just one month before, I tend to still get tired quite easily and often. I would use any opportunity to catch 40-winks. So, here I sat, just trying to nap quietly, when out of nowhere I start seeing flashes of light. My sister, Cheryl, had the camera pointed at me and I couldn't figure out why she'd want a photo of me napping. Until I saw and felt my sweet four year old nephew, Carson, curled up next to me. Yeah, I was in my happy place.

Bronwyn Lora turns five years old today and this Aunt is so very proud of her. She is a sweet, loving, yet bold and empowered young lady and the world is hers. I love that she loves to cuddle with me and is my shadow whenever I am with her. She hugs me and says "you are the bestest Cheri in the whole world". Ah, my sweet pea, just as long as YOU think that, I'm happy. I love you and wish you many years of laughs and love.

My sweet niece, Avery, turn nine years old today. Happy birthday, sweet girl! Avery is smart, beautiful, loving, and has the most tender heart of anyone I know. She does anything she can to make people happy and feel loved. You inspire me to be a better person, Avery. I love you so much and you will always, always have a very special place in my heart. Someday I hope you have the chance to love your children (or nieces/nephews) the way I do you. Being a part of your life is my greatest joy. Happy Birthday, Princess. Big hugs coming to you in a few days!
My sweet nephew, Carson, turns four years old today! We celebrated his birthday last weekend while I was in Utah visiting them, so he thinks he already had his birthday. This young boy has his aunt wrapped around his little finger, let me just tell you! He loves to cuddle and watch movies with me. He loves for me to tuck him in at night and sing him his usual four songs. When he talks to me on the phone and says, "I, I, I will pick you up at, at, at the airport", well, I'm inclined to catch the first flight out to see him. He is sweet, loving, hilarious, adorable, and is the love of my life. Happy Birthday, Car-Car. Aunt Ree loves you so much more than you will ever know.

With chemo treatment behind me and my immune system hopefully improved, I traveled to Utah to visit three of my nephews for the first time since Thanksgiving. Now, it might not seem like that's a long time ago, but for this aunt, who usually travels to see them about every six weeks, well, it's been WAY too long! How I have missed them! They didn't seem to mind my bald head, though it took them a few seconds to truly see that I was the same aunt. My happy place is when I have the kids around me...as you can see from the photos. They LOVED the Mac's Photo Booth, where we could take lots of silly pictures of ourselves. I tucked Carson into bed and had to sing him songs (certain songs that included: the Smurfberry crunch song as I call it or the Toy Prince song as he calls it, though it's actually a classic piece; Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is coming to town, some church songs, and Edelweiss). I kid you not. Those are his usual nightly songs. So I sang them as best I could, with all the love in my heart for him. But frankly, I can't stand the sound of my own singing voice!

My nephew, Charlie Jack, turns two today. Pictures here show one of our first photos together (he wasn't even a week old there) and one of our most recent photos together (Thanksgiving '09). I love that boy as if he were my own. He is a happy, adorable, fun little man and he makes his aunt so very proud. I love cuddling with him and watching him smile.
Charlie, I want you to know that while you won't remember the past six months of your life, your aunt will. I haven't been able to see you as much as I'd like to, but it's only because I'm fighting my hardest to be healthy and rid my body of breast cancer. I'm doing it not only for me, but for you, your big brothers and your cousins. I may have had to sacrifice some time with you right now, but it's only because I am committed to having lots more time (years and years) with you later. We have lots of wonderful memories to make together, Charlie. I can't wait to watch you grow up! I love you more than you will ever know.