Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Warmth in Winter

Fall is by far my favorite time of the year. There is something magical to me in the vibrant red, green and yellow leaves on the trees and the browning leaves falling to the ground. It's as if if Heaven is saying to me, "Look, see the beauty all around you!". Add in the brisk breeze, rumbling clouds, pumpkin spice anything (my new found passion), smells of apple cinnamon candles - I think in the Fall, Heaven is here on Earth.

Part of the joy of Fall is the excitement and anticipation of the Holidays on the horizon. Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities are trickling onto calendars, the stores are brimming with seasonal decor, and you start to hear a carol play. Christmas music is listed in the top ten of my most favorite things! The saddest day of the year for me is the day after Christmas. The carols stop, the decor is put away and the joy of anticipation disappears. I love the weeks leading up to Christmas! So yes, I do start listening to Christmas music right after Halloween. I want to savor the feelings of Christmas for as long as possible ... I start early, knowing that all too soon it will December 26th and the radio will return to playing the Billboard top 40. 

I've mentioned it time and time again, but I'm going to remind you once more. Jim Brickman is the King of Piano. My favorite musician is Jim Brickman and his Christmas albums are among some of my all-time favorites. Last Friday, my friend Tammie and I  (along with her niece) drove from Sacramento to Grass Valley, about an hour away, in the dark and rain. We had fourth row seats in the tiniest of venues! Other than the woman behind us singing along and tapping her foot, it was a perfect experience! Jim played a selection of Christmas carols/hymns that was magical ... gave me chills and touched my soul. 

Performing with Jim Brickman on this tour was Luke McMaster. I hadn't heard of him before, but he has a current single out with Jim called "Good Morning, Beautiful". Luke performed that song, along with the spin-off "Merry Christmas, Beautiful" and two of his own pieces. I was blown away by his talent! His voice and guitar talent perfectly vibed with Jim's talent on the ivory keys. I highly recommend they compose more music together. 

It was a perfect Fall evening, a prelude to the joy of Christmas nearing. I think I'll keep that night's concert memory close to my heart. 

Jim Brickman is always so patient as he mingles with his fans. Thanks, Jim, for taking the time to say hi!

Luke McMaster signed autographs and posed for photos. Incredibly talented and kind guy. Keep Tweeting me, Luke!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Random Coincidence?

I hit the button at the top of the page on my blog that says "next blog". I didn't know really where it would take me, perhaps to my last post. However, it took me to the blog of some people I do not know. BUT, they live in Aberdeen, Scotland and their blog is all about their life in Aberdeen. So interesting! 

I got to thinking about Aberdeen and the recent annual trips I've taken to visit my mother's homeland. Thought I'd share a few photos from some of my trips. Granted, I know I've posted these before but when it comes to anything Scottish, well, never enough! I am of Scottish blood and will forever be proud of my heritage.

Dunnottar Castle

My beautiful mother inside the ruins of Dunnottar Castle

Mom and I pose for a photo in Cullen, Scotland

Closest to a man in a kilt I seem to be able to find!

Bay of Nig ... mom would walk around this bay with her sister all the time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Random Thoughts ...

The 2012 Election is over - finally! I appreciate the blessing of living in a country where I have a voice and have a right to have it heard. I know I had no part in creating this American right; our forefathers, ancestors, military, they are to be thanked for fighting for our rights and freedoms. I can honor them by fulfilling my right to vote. And I did.

I classify myself as a liberal-republican. Some of my personal stands fall in line with the liberals, while others are in line with the republican view points. I know enough to know I don't know enough. There is so much out there in the world of politics that I will never totally understand. I realize every American citizen will be touched in one way or another from the election results, whether positively or negatively. However, I voted according to what I believed to be best for my city, state, and country. That is my right. 

I'm thrilled the political ad season is over. The overwhelming negativity that has been screaming from our television sets, radios, social media forums and daily mail will (hopefully) cease (for now)! Debate and enthusiastic discussion on political topics can be helpful, and are often necessary, to help move our country's position forward. But what gets me really annoyed, is the negativity that people have created. How is trash-talking an opponent helpful? Foul language, constant negativity and bullying is just wrong. As I read and listened to some of the ads and comments on media forums over the past few months, I got to thinking about something ... hearing someone say such nasty things about someone else (especially someone whom they have never personally met) is simply a reflection of that person's character and is no reflection on the person being trashed. 

What have we taught our children by our actions during this campaign? It's okay to cuss out someone who has an opposing view point? It's okay to laugh at, publicly disgrace and criticize another human being simply because they are not the candidate you support? I wonder if our children would be proud of how we, as citizens of this United States of America, responded during this campaign. And, as I typed that sentence, I have to laugh. How truly "united" are we? So many men and women fought for us to become UNITED. And here we stand today, fighting amongst ourselves with such hostility. Why did we sacrifice so many lives in fighting for our rights and our country if we are not going to uphold the courage, respect and dignity for which they so bravely fought (and continue to fight)?

I did not vote for Mr. Obama. I admit it. I voted for Mr. Romney. I'm disappointed in the results, but I am no different a person today than I was yesterday. I support the office of the President of the United States, regardless of whether or not he/she had my vote. I am proud to be an American. And at least I can hold my head high knowing I did not let my personal opinions trickle into gossip, negativity and rudeness during this election season.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Saturday in Land Park was the Walk for Down Syndrome. A friend of mine has a daughter, Emma, who was born with Down Syndrome. I hadn't met Emma until Saturday morning and I fell in love with her the moment I saw her adorable face. Because of Emma and others with DS, hundreds of people came together to walk in their support. BJs Restaurant sponsored Team Emma and it was a complete honor to be a part of this team. Sutter Printing helped get special t-shirts made for Team Emma and it was obvious we had the best t-shirts and the team with the most members! One little girl, sweet Emma, brought us out ... some might say we are kind to have walked in her honor. No, we were honored to walk with and for Emma. 

Our inspiration, Emma, gets a lift from Daddy!

Emma and mommy are all smiles!

Here she is ... the most beautiful little gal!

It was all about the tutus. :)

My buds, Tracy, Michelle and Jonathan

Team BJs Restaurant ... TEAM EMMA!

We Step Up for Down Syndrome!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall in Montana

I love to visit Montana in the fall! Big Sky country really does have a lot to offer in terms of nature and peace. Besides, I get to visit my sister, brother in law, the kids and friends. This past weekend I spent in Billings and enjoyed shopping, eating out, devouring Caren's home-made food, cuddling with the kids and just being in one of my "happy places". 

As is annual tradition, I took on the assignment of getting "the perfect picture" for the McLane Family. Oddly enough, I think I managed to succeed! Here are some of the photos from our photo shoot. Am I a lucky aunt or what?!
Andrew - 16, Junior

Mitchell - 14, Freshman

Avery Cait - 11, Sixth Grade

Callum - 9, Third Grade

Bronwyn - 7, Second Grade

The McLane Family

That's me surrounded by five of my favorite kids in the world!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Phoenix Fun!

I was fortunate to be able to spend this past weekend in Phoenix with my sister (Cheryl) and her family (husband Kyle and boys Marshall, Carson and Charlie). Marshall recently turned eight years old and was going to be baptized. I am 5-5 thus far in attending niece/nephew baptisms... three more to go and I WILL make sure I'm in attendance for them all!

Hardest part about these visits is the goodbye, especially to Carson. At six years old, he is the most attached to me of any of the eight kids. He cries and cries when I leave and I fear this isn't going to be getting any easier as time goes on. In fact, it seems to be getting more difficult for him, and therefore, for me! I woke him at 4:45am to say goodbye (as I had promised to do). I gave him my special pink bracelet so he'd have me close. I thought he'd be okay, but come to find out from my sister a few hours later, Carson was sobbing at 5am saying how much he missed me. (Can you hear my heart shattering?)

I will see them all soon in San Diego for Thanksgiving and that excitement is getting me through the days. Looking forward to some hugs, pictures, beach and great memories!

Tried to get a decent photo of the boys and me ... hmmm.

Perhaps my favorite all time photo...how I adore that Carson!

Can't believe Marshall is old enough to do this! Such a stud at 8!

Sweet Charlie ... he insists the bike is "wed" (red) and not pink. (Truth: it's a pink hand me down bike. Sorry Charlie!)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week of Good Times

Best part of the Expo in San Mateo - meeting & visiting with Deidre Hall!

Met Wynonna!
Tammie & I posed with new friend & warrior sister, Laura with Deidre Hall.

Getting prepared for Blues for Life - Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation fundraiser.

Modeling our turbans for another Albie Aware fundraiser (with Jill and Chloe Fox and Tammie Jones).

This past week has been incredibly busy. Thursday night I participated in a fashion show modeling turbans at an event to benefit Albie Aware. My good friends, Jill & Chloe Fox, and Tammie Jones were there with me and we met some incredible women and survivors.

Saturday, Tammie and I headed to San Mateo to attend the Women's Expo. My main reason for attending was in the hopes of meeting Wynonna Judd (keynote speaker). Wynonna is my favorite recording artist (tied with Mr. Jim Brickman, of course) and I've seen her perform in concert more than ten times. I admire a lot about Wynonna and truly just appreciate her musical talent and wit. As it turned out, I did get to meet Wynonna for all of ten seconds, time just enough for an autograph and photo. Not much interaction. 

Sometimes the greatest experiences of our lives are not the ones we plan. As Tammie and I walked into the Expo, the first booth we saw was that of Bowman Hall ... Deidre Hall! We had no idea she would be there on Saturday as she was the scheduled keynote speaker on Sunday's agenda. We were greeted by extremely kind women at the booth who told us Deidre and her best friend, Lynne, would be there very shortly. Turns out we were lucky enough to not only meet them and get autographs, but they actually talked with us and visited with us as if we'd been friends forever. These two ladies exuded class, confidence and charisma ... visiting with them was the highlight of my day and one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was reminded that "good" is everywhere ... in the friend who spends an entire day with you driving, shopping, and hoping to meet a famous hero (thanks Tammie) and also in the heart and soul of two strangers you just met but who have influenced your life for the better (Lynne, Deidre, that's you).

Today, my friend Tammie and I volunteered at the 6th Annual Blues for Life fundraiser for Albie Aware. It was just one small way we could give back after all the blessings we've received. Exhausting day, but incredibly rewarding to see so many friends, survivors and supporters of Albie Aware. I guess I'm just reminded of how incredibly fortunate and blessed I am. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday, Marshall!

Marshall Cyrus Belnap - welcome to the world!

Open wide!

Hugs with auntie!

More hugs with auntie!

Marshall w/auntie - Sept 2012
Marshall Cyrus Belnap came into our world on September 24, 2004 as the eldest son of my little sister, Cheryl, and her husband, Kyle. Marshall was the tiniest little baby but quickly became one of the chubbiest babies I have ever seen! I was blessed to be able to see him at least once every six weeks during the first several years of his life. A bout with cancer made those trips less frequent for me during a couple years, but I am so grateful to be a part of Marshall's life. He is so sweet, considerate, spunky, independent and I couldn't be more proud of him! I adore you, Marshby, and I will always love you to pieces! 
See you in a few weeks, buddy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Carson & me during dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe in Phoenix.
Visited Phoenix again this weekend, just because I wanted to see my sister and the boys again. We didn't do all that much, necessarily, but we had a wonderful time just being together. We did a little shopping, photos, out to dinner (took them to The Rain Forest Cafe for an early birthday dinner for Marshall). The worst part of this trip (and any, come to think of it) is saying goodbye ... especially to Carson. At six, he is an incredibly tender young lad. He bursts into sobs when I leave and it just breaks my heart. I wish more than anything I could take them home with me! I hate saying goodbye to them! But, of course, I do already have my next Southwest flight booked for just a few weeks out ...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Field of Pink Warriors

Sunday, September 2, 2012 - Oakland A's Breast Cancer Awareness Day ... what an honor it was to participate as one of 500 survivors celebrated by the Oakland A's crowd. My friends and sister survivors, Jill Fox and Tammie Jones, and I enjoyed being part of the on-field pink ribbon. Number 14 on this year's jersey represents this as the 14th year the A's have hosted Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The buttons say it all ...

Me, Tammie and Jill lining up in the tunnel as we prepare to take the field.

The Pink Ribbon formation ... what an incredible experience!

Warrior sister, Kathy .... her spirit embraces all that of a true warrior!

My honorary niece, Chloe, and I pose with "Stomper" at the Survivor's Reception pregame.

Bottom row, Jill and I are pointing at the crowds.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The boys of August ... and my heart!

Three of my nephews (all Caren's boys) are August babies. Andrew is now 16, Mitchell 14, and today, Callum turns 9. They are the sweetest, most intelligent and caring young men. How I adore them and love being their aunt. It's amazing how quickly the time goes ... seems like just yesterday they were the young babes in the top photo (taken a day after Callum was born). Boys - know this much ... you are incredibly loved and admired. I will always love you and strive to be a good example to you. I will be your greatest fan and will support you in everything you do. Thanks for the years of cuddles, hugs and auntie/nephew time. Here's to many more years! I love you each to pieces!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Man in a kilt ... finally!

What we have here is a man in a kilt. And I just had to have my photo taken with him! 

This photo is from a few months back, taken in Portsoy, Scotland. That beautiful woman with me in the photo is my cousin, Julie. She is hilarious, witty, fun, and I miss her like crazy when I leave Aberdeen each year. Anyhow, we were out for a wee walk around the Portsoy harbor and we stopped here for a moment. I always have said I am looking for a man in my life ... a man in a kilt. I guess this guy will have to do ... for now. ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

San Diego ... A New Generation!

Growing up in San Diego was pretty cool. We didn't realize or appreciate it back then, but now, looking back as adults, we realize how spoiled we really were. 

Couple weeks ago, Cheryl, Kyle and the boys drove from Phoenix to San Diego, where they met me (having flown in for my 20 year high school reunion). We toured the USS Midway, ate breakfast at Kono's in Pacific Beach, spent many hours at the beaches of Coronado and La Jolla shores and just enjoyed being "back home". 

The boys had never before seen the ocean. They didn't comprehend what was truly a "beach". But they do now! If they lived near the ocean, they'd all be complete beach bums, no doubt! Water was freezing to us adults (as we were bundled up in towels with umbrellas shielding us from the wind), but the boys bravely embraced their newly discovered world of boogie boarding and playing in the waves. Marshall, Carson and Charlie couldn't get enough of the ocean ... hour after hour, they battled the waves and endured the cold, exiting the waves only to scarf down a snack. It was pure joy for this aunt to watch my boys enjoy something I enjoyed every weekend of my childhood. 

We will be heading back to San Diego come Thanksgiving. One guess what the boys want to do. Yep, boogie board. I'm off to find them wet-suits!